Category: Healthy Tips
Get Healthy, Stay Healthy in the New Year
So, it’s a New Year, which traditionally means it’s time for a fresh start. This year, why not make a resolution to improve your health? It’s time to start the self-improvement plans we’ve been putting off for so long. Following these ten tips will increase your chances of living longer and more fully, and greatly […]
Surviving the Holidays
The day after Thanksgiving is a milestone of sorts in America. It reminds us of just how quickly the year has gone by— and how close we are to the holiday season. This realization— coupled with the fabulous sales at major department stores and malls everywhere— helps make the day after Thanksgiving our biggest shopping […]
Advice For A Healthy New Year
There is no better time to rejuvenate your health than the start of a new year. So don’t let your resolution to eat more nutritiously fall by the wayside. Just a few simple changes in your diet and lifestyle can have a positive impact on your health— and can also prevent you from experiencing a […]
Choose the Right Shoes
Look around any crowded city street, and you’ll see plenty of footwear— from stiletto heels to platform shoes— that is more than a little unkind to our feet. It’s no wonder that foot pain is such a common complaint. But it’s not just our feet that are hurting. Improper footwear places strain on the knees, […]
Your Health Account
Everyone wants to grow their bank account. We know our financial health is usually estimated by the level of our resources. The more money in the bank, figuratively speaking, the more secure we feel. If our resources include stocks, bonds, and property, we are even more secure. We can use such fiscal accounting as a […]
Road Trip
The days are long, the weather’s warm, the sky is blue . . . it’s summer and we’re ready to enjoy the great American pastime – road trips! We want to get to wherever we’re going safely – and healthily, too. A safe trip is ensured by following the rules of the road and practicing […]
The Goldilocks Way
Like Goldilocks, we want things to work out just right. When it comes to our health, though, things don’t work out just right by themselves. Neglect causes many serious health problems. Abuse – in the form of unhealthy behaviors – causes many additional serious disorders. Every day on TV and radio news programs we hear […]
Surf City
Summertime is fun time – swimming, surfing, beach volleyball, beach barbecues, and lots of sunshine! We want to be sure to enjoy ourselves all summer long and not be slowed down by the speed-bumps of sunburn, muscle aches and pains, and back strain. There’s plenty we can do for prevention and to make sure we […]
The Rising Costs of Health Care
Health insurance costs are out of control. We’re all painfully aware of this inflationary spiral. Monthly premiums are through the roof. Co-payments keep going up and up. Out-of-pocket expenses are so high we often wonder what we’re saving by purchasing health insurance at all. Every family has been hit hard by these financial burdens. If […]
Time’s Arrow
As we get older, most of us begin to experience the acceleration of the passage of time. The sensation of time passing gets faster and faster, until for many of us weeks begin to feel like days and months begin to feel like weeks. This is very disconcerting and we’d like to be able to […]