Category: Get Positive

Relationship with Self
Relationship with Self As we go along in life, most of us periodically encounter obstacles or other checks to our welfare and well-being that cause us to question ourselves, our values, and our life circumstances. As we inquire with ourselves, we may find that we’re wanting in certain areas such as preparedness, resilience, and adaptability. […]

Positive Affirmations
We function a lot like computers: Garbage in produces garbage out, while great stuff in produces great stuff out. We talk to ourselves far more than we talk to others. In fact, most experts agree that about 80 percent of all conversations we have are with ourselves. All too often, we talk to ourselves with […]

Relationships with Others
Relationships are important for good emotional health. Numerous studies have shown that people who have close friends and intimate relationships are healthier, happier, and live longer. In fact, the simple act of petting a dog, holding a child, or seeing someone you love causes a decrease in stress hormones in the blood, decreases blood pressure, […]